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Issue 10 | 2019


download-(buttons)Marco Lombardi, Culture and Action: Cultural Diplomacy and Cooperation


The new, uncertain structures of the reticular global world call for innovative strategies. In particular, the new forms of diffuse conflict demand that international diplomacy give effective answers in terms of handling the crisis and reducing conflicts. In this context, cooperation has to regain credibility and competence to prove itself as a system of intervention suited to the new challenges, able to project itself into the new scenarios that are changing significantly and rapidly.

This brief note proposes to highlight some important factors of the change taking place, followed by the description of recent experiences in the field, concluding with the proposal of new kinds of involvement expressed in the Cultural Diplomacy Partnership, an experience of reticular cooperation formulated and promoted by our research centres, ITSTIME in the Università Cattolica, Milan, and CAARI at the Addoun University in Somalia.


Culture, diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, crisis and conflict reduction.

download-(buttons)Barbara Lucini, Cultural Resilience and Cultural Diplomacy: the State of the Art


This paper aims to provide an analysis of the contribution that resilience, especially in its cultural dimension, can provide in post-crises and conflict scenarios, along with the pragmatic approach of cultural diplomacy.

The key premise is the concept of resilience and its role in crisis management and risk analysis. Cultural resilience is regarded as an essential factor to build national, collective and individual identities that are able to define, interpret and manage new hybrid threats.

Both the cultural factor itself and the concept of identity need to be seen as drivers for the required relationship between the cultural dimension of resilience and cultural diplomacy.

The final remarks consolidate a social anthropological perspective associated with the cultural dimension and the application of the concept of resilience in the framework of cultural diplomacy, with the aim to manage socio-political tensions and conflicts in many parts of the world.


Cultural resilience, cultural diplomacy, security, adaptation, proactivity.

II. Perspectives on Terrorism & Counter-terrorism

download-(buttons)Alessandro Boncio, The Italian shared house for combating terrorism


An often overlooked aspect in explaining the Italian efficiency in countering and preventing terrorism, be it domestic or international, is the institutional setting established in 2004 to manage this issue. In this respect, the role of the Antiterrorism Strategic Analysis Committee (CASA – Comitato di Analisi Strategica Antiterrorismo), the Italian counterterrorism fusion centre, has proved to be essential. While the need for centers like this was a direct consequence of 9/11, indeed being the US those starting this kind of center, other European countries started working on similar centers as a consequence of homegrown jihadist attacks.

The Committee primary task was originally to prevent terrorist-related incidents through real-time information sharing among state security agencies.. Since its creation however, the CASA chores widened and changed; homegrown terrorism (leaderless jihad phase), Foreign Terrorist Fighters and the resurgence of domestic violent extremism led to an evolution in the CASA competencies. The Committee proved to be particularly useful in strengthening the synergy between all the actors involved in counterterrorism activities, also representing a thriving hub to ‘institutionalise’ the national security system culture originating from previous experiences in countering domestic terrorism (The Red Brigades, Neofascist Organizations) and organized crime groups (Mafia, Camorra, N’drangheta).

Due to the contained number of terrorism-related events in Italy, there is just a basic perception of the role played by CASA in the national public opinion and, more broadly, among international observers, as the Committee is seldom mentioned as a synergic counterterrorism tool. The Committee however, proved to be a flexible, efficient tool and, despite its ambition to institutionalise the Italian approach to counterterrorism, was not burdened by the classic bureaucratic problems often characterizing the public administration. An in-depth analysis of this fusion centre can also highlight lessons to be learned for other countries facing the same type of threat as Italy.


Antiterrorism, jihadismo, estremismo violento, intelligence, forze di polizia, Counterterrorism, jihadism, violent extremism, intelligence, law enforcement

download-(buttons)Daniele Barone, The decentralized finance-violent extremism nexus: ideologies, technical skills, strong and weak points


The common denominator in the exploitation of cryptocurrencies by terrorist groups, can be found in the grey legal framework where cryptocurrencies operate. This contest, even though indirectly, allows the diffusion of a propaganda related to the rejection of the idea of State, by depicting the decentralized control of cryptocurrencies as a mean of payment that belongs exclusively to the people, avoiding the interference of a centralized government control or any sort of middleman.

Focusing on the analysis of the ideological justification and opaque financing patterns used by international organizations as Hamas, global movements as alt-right extremist groups and their sympathizers, then describing in depth how small jihadist private military contractors as the Malhama Tactical Team or suspicious online humanitarian crowdfunding campaigns are developing their skills both in the online communication and in the cryptocurrency field, this essay is aimed at providing an either overall or specific view of the current terrorism-FinTech nexus. It will explain how, even though extremist groups’ skills in the cryptocurrency sector may seem at an infancy level, they are evolving very fast and creating a trickle-down diffusion of know-how and ideological or political justifications. These elements can generate a twofold outcome: turn terrorism financing into an unprecedented occasion to improve investigative and analysis methods or, on the other hand, turn exploitation of modern finance for terrorism purposes into a total undetectable sector.


Jihad, Alt-right, Financing, Cryptocurrency, Cybercrime

download-(buttons)Filippo Tansini, Conosci il tuo nemico: la rappresentazione del terrorismo nei tweet della disinformazione russa


Within the complex framework of the Hybrid and Information Warfare, this study analyses a Twitter account dataset related to the Russian company Internet Research Agency (IRA) that was potentially used for Information Warfare operations, from 2009 to 2018.

The objective of the analysis is to reconstruct the representation of terrorism disseminated by the IRA through the actions carried out by the analysed Twitter accounts. Using the construct of Social Representations and methods of Latent Semantic Analysis (cluster analysis and multiple correspondence analysis) explicit and implicit themes associated with the concept of terrorism are explored. Out of a general sample of 8,768,633, 22,764 messages were filtered containing the lemma «terror». The results show peculiar temporal dynamics and contents that subtend two main themes: the nature of the threat represented (known / unknown) and the positioning of the enemy (internal / external). The limits and the practical implications of these results are discussed with particular reference to: methods and contents of online communications related to the concept of terrorism, capability demonstrated by the accounts analysed, further applicability of the analysis with a perspective of countering Information Warfare operations.


Hybrid Threat, Information Warfare, Latent Semantic Analysis, Social Media Intelligence, Social Representation, terrorism

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Issue 9 | 2019

I. International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy


download-(buttons)Marco Lombardi e Barbara Lucini, Cooperazione e Cultural Diplomacy: resilienza e cultural focal points.


The current paper focuses on the need to think over the concept of globalization and its impact on the scenario of international cooperation.

The definition of globalization has been often related to other notions such as that of complexity, interconnection, homogenization aimed at the understanding of social and geopolitical changes. Although this effort, in the last years a new set of theoretical and methodological tools are needed to comprehend the inner changes represented by the new social and political scenarios. For this reason, the awareness about the global Hybrid Warfare and its features are the context for the development of future theories and methodologies for international cooperation, considering the importance of the Cultural Diplomacy.

The cultural diplomacy and its tool the cultural focal point are the efficient and adequate response to the period of transition we are living now.

The culture and the related social identities became the interpretative drivers to provide a new set of theories as well as the crisis management approach orients the advancement of the methodological tools.

Further, cultural resilience plays a crucial role to strength the high potential of the cultural focal point as diplomatic tools for the near future, in the field of international cooperation and especially, in the areas where the conflicts are harder and more resistant.

This new approach deals with conflict resolution through the principles of crisis management and the cultural perspectives, making possible a new way for managing pervasive conflicts and post-disaster stage.


Cultural diplomacy, international cooperation, crisis management, resilience, cultural focal point.


download-(buttons)Marta Visioli, Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Focal Points as emergent and integrative cooperation strategies in the resolution of conflicts


The aim of this article is to demonstrate, with an original perspective, the necessity of Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Focal Points (CFPs) as new effective sources of cooperation and conflict resolution. In a contemporary global context which is characterized by hybrid conflicts, with a mixture of unofficial and official actors and enemies, and by the overcoming of the state-centred national system, the traditional approaches to crises and conflicts are incomplete. In order to guarantee long-term peace and recovery, it is important to shift from an exclusive political and governmental perspective, to an integration of social and cultural members. In this regard, Cultural Diplomacy claims its place as a new effective response to the contemporary framework, by arising with new resources. As a matter of fact, it moves ever further away from its original meaning in order to encompass a comprehensive approach, with a particular focus on the resolution of domestic crises as a prerequisite to both national and international security. In particular, this form of diplomacy is a new cooperation strategy for conflict resolution because it increases the democratic space within nations between political authorities and civilians, it fosters mutual understanding by fighting stereotypes, it reduces the risk of conflicts and provides the vital resilience to crisis management and post-conflict.

In particular, the first part of the article focuses on the practice and the meaning of Cultural Diplomacy, by also highlighting its advantages and disadvantages in relation to cooperation and conflict resolution. Specifically, its evolution into an even more cooperative and effective strategy at different levels deserves the appropriate consideration within the global and political framework. Concerning this aspect, I demonstrate the opportunity, inherent in a correct use of Cultural Diplomacy, of improving diplomacy, cooperation and international as well as national relations. The second part concerns Cultural Focal Points, that is dynamic centers  of cultural preservation and reproduction, tested in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, which are considered new forms of Cultural Diplomacy. The focus is placed on their twofold objec-tive of promoting dialogue and cooperation and of enhancing the cultural heritage of each ethnic group, by relating it to the key features of CFPs (static nature, dynamism, singularity and plurality). These demonstrate their synergic nature as sources of conflict management, Cultural Diplomacy and resilience in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, as well as in reconstruction and recovery.


Cultural Diplomacy, cooperation strategy, Cultural Focal Points (CFPs), identity, conflict resolution.


download-(buttons)Nezka Figelj, Iran and religious sectarianism in the Middle East: the role of the European Union


L’articolo scientifico esaminerà l’emergente rivalità tra sunniti e sciiti in Medio Oriente. La situazione si è recentemente intensificata e ha provocato violente rivolte tra le due fazioni. La frammentazione religiosa sarà analizzata dal punto di vista iraniano. Verranno introdotti i due attori principali dello scacchiere regionale: l’Arabia Saudita e l’Iran. L’articolo analizzerà il regime iraniano sciita concentrandosi sulla sua aspirazione all’egemonia regionale. Saranno affrontate le potenziali minacce del programma nucleare iraniano per la sicurezza di Israele. Il documento evidenzierà il ruolo degli interessi strategici dell’Unione europea in Iran dopo l’accordo nucleare iraniano.


Iran, Saudi Arabia, religious sectarianism, rivalry Sunna-Shi’a, Israel, European Union.


download-(buttons)Violeta Tymul and Pietro SchioppettoSovereign wealth as power multiplier: the Russian Sovereign Wealth Funds experience


Questo articolo presenta un case study sulle politiche del governo russo nell’utilizzo dei Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF). La prima parte del paper descrive come i SWF si siano evoluti nel tempo da assetti di un’economia di rendita a strumenti di sviluppo e arma geo-economica, tra i più efficaci nell’ambito delle nuove modalità di intervento statale nell’economia. La seconda parte analizza in profondità l’esperienza russa, descrivendo l’evoluzione e le funzioni dei diversi fondi sviluppati a partire dagli anni ’90 e il loro rapporto con la politica interna ed estera della Federazione. In conclusione, si riflette se l’utilizzo dei fondi sia stato congruo con il perseguimento degli obiettivi geopolitici del paese.


Sovereign Wealth Fund, Russia, Geo-economics, Geopolitics, Entrepreneurial State, Commodities, Stabilization Fund, Reserve Fund, National Wealth Fund, Russian Direct Investment Fund.


II. Terrorism & Counter-terrorism

download-(buttons)Daniele Plebani, Da Raqqa a Boghuz: l’evoluzione di Stato Islamico tra il 2017 e il 2019


L’elaborato si propone di offrire una panoramica dell’evoluzione di Stato Islamico (IS) tra la liberazione di Raqqa (ottobre 2017) e la fine del 2018. In questo lasso di tempo infatti IS ha attraversato una profonda metamorfosi, sia per quanto riguarda l’aspetto territoriale che comunicativo. Nel primo caso si è osservata una forte contrazione nel quadrante siro-iracheno, solo in parte controbilanciato dalla resistenza di altre realtà regionali sparse per il globo. Nel secondo, l’apparato comunicativo è dovuto ricorrere a diverse strategie di adattamento, concentrandosi sia sul resistere alle azioni di contrasto intraprese da Stati e agenzie di comunicazione che di offrire ai seguaci di IS strade alternative per associarsi, informarsi e progettare attacchi. Questa analisi esplicita infine come la lotta contro IS non possa essere fondata unicamente su parametri quali la percentuale di territorio liberato o numero di prodotti mediatici cancellati e rimarca la necessità di un approccio più ampio per affrontare non solo il “gruppo Stato Islamico” ma anche il “fenomeno IS”.



Stato Islamico, comunicazione, territorio, eredità.


download-(buttons)Valerio de Divitiis, Children’s Rights vis-à-vis counter terrorism obligations: a priority for security and human rights mutually reinforcing practices


The international counter terrorism paradigm is being increasingly contextualized in the framework of sustainable development through civilian and rule of law-based policies shaped around the objective of preventing violent extremism. The recruitment and exploitation of children by terrorist organizations provides an urgent opportunity for the concretization of legal obligations and principles endorsed by the international community. The application of counter terrorism measures in cases involving children remains ambiguous at country level, despite clear international norms. There is a risk that the children’s rights may be overshadowed by the emergency nature of terrorism. Countries’ practitioners must pursue responses which consider the status of children even when they are liable for terrorism-related offences. Specific circumstances ranging from the prevention of exploitation by terrorist groups, including in educational settings, justice system responses tailored to the cases of children, the risks posed by the nuanced FTF phenomenon and the international legal provisions thereof, are scenarios where the rule of law-PVE vision becomes critical for sustainable response to terrorism.


Counter Terrorism, Children’s rights, Preventing Violent Extremism, Rule of Law, Human Security, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Armed Conflicts.


III. Crisis Management


download-(buttons)Arianna Piacentini, Social media e cultura convergente: nuove applicazioni del Crisis Management


I social media sono diventati strumenti fondamentali durante i processi di Crisis Management, sia nella fase di risposta all’emergenza, sia nella fase di prevenzione e pianificazione. La flessibilità di queste piattaforme permette di elaborare strategie comunicative diverse che tengono conto degli scenari che possono verificarsi in riferimento ai rischi propri di ciascun territorio. Coombs e Holladay (2012) definiscono la Crisis Communication come la raccolta, il trattamento e la diffusione delle informazioni necessarie per affrontare una situazione di emergenza. I mezzi di comunicazione, in particolare i social media, se integrati nei modelli e nelle pratiche esistenti di Crisis Management, permettono di raggiungere un equilibrio tra capacità di diffusione delle informazioni e possibilità di interpretare correttamente i rischi legati alla crisi. La comunicazione online infatti facilita il raggiungimento di  un alto tasso   di interattività, rendendo virale un messaggio attraverso il meccanismo della condivisione su molteplici piattaforme. Questi canali online sfruttando il fenomeno della convergenza digitale, che consente la partecipazione di diversi attori sociali, permettono la creazione di una conoscenza condivisa della crisi e una maggiore consapevolezza collettiva, promuovendo lo sviluppo di una comunità partecipante e resiliente.



Social media, Crisis Management, cultura convergente, partecipazione.


download-(buttons)Roberta Scassa, Collaborative Networks for Disaster Risk Reduction: the Role of Risk Communication and Disaster Education; Exploring the non-structural activities employed by the Italian Civil Protection in reducing seismic risks in the Abruzzo Region.


I disastri naturali presentano attualmente diverse e complesse sfide per la società che vanno oltre le capacità di una singola organizzazione e che quindi richiedono l’operato congiunto di più attori nel quadro della riduzione dei rischi derivati da disastri ambientali. Ricerca precedente in questo ambito sottolinea la complessità di tali problemi ed enfatizza la necessità di una collaborazione proattiva e preventiva tra diverse organizzazioni su diversi livelli di governance.

Una delle migliori soluzioni a questo drammatico problema è stata riscontrata nello sviluppo di networks di riduzione dei rischi derivati da disastri ambientali dove conoscenze, informazioni e competenze possono essere scambiate tra diversi esperti operanti in campi attinenti alla riduzione dei rischi ambientali. Con l’approvazione del Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) nel 2015, la necessità di ridurre tali rischi tramite prevenzione, comunicazione del rischio ed educazione ambientale si è tramutata in una eco sempre più incalzante e risonante a livello globale. Questo articolo si propone l’obiettivo di investigare le relazioni che intercorrono fra vari attori operanti nel campo della riduzione del rischio sismico nella regione Abruzzo, in centro Italia. Tramite interviste con esperti della Protezione Civile Abruzzo e con collaboratori degli stessi, la ricerca si snoda su alcuni punti principali: meccanismi adottati dalla Protezione Civile Abruzzese durante tempi di pace per aumentare la consapevolezza della società riguardo il rischio sismico. Ricerca precedente in questo ambito si è largamente concentrata sull’analisi del grado collaborazione di determinati attori (inclusa la Protezione Civile Abruzzese), durante un’emergenza o una crisi. Al contrario questo studio si propone di analizzare le così dette attività non strutturali di prevenzione messe in atto dalla Protezione Civile Abruzzo in tempi di regolarità. La comunicazione del rischio e l’educazione ambientale sono considerati fattori cruciali delle attività non strutturali volti ad aumentare la consapevolezza della società nel suo complesso riguardo i rischi sismici che potrebbero riscontrarsi in regione. Questi elementi sono anche determinanti per il successo di un progresso nel campo della riduzione dei rischi derivati dai disastri ambientali. Interessanti spunti forniti da esperti nel campo e consigli su come la comunicazione del rischio dovrebbe articolarsi nell’immediato futuro sono riportati dall’autore.



Disaster Risk Reduction, Prevention, Risk Communication, Environmental Education, Network Analysis.


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